fredag 6. februar 2009

It's a girl!

I'm going to have a daughter. Celina and I went to the official ultra sound at Haukeland Sykehus today. It was very exciting! It turned out to show a healthy girl; you could see her kicking and moving around in there, floating happily, having an exclusive party inside Celina's womb.

After putting some kind of blank jelly on the outside of Celina's stomach they dragged, pointed and even stabbed to get the angles they wanted. I was surprised at how hard it seemed that the most experienced woman jabbed the ultra sound device into Celina's stomach to try to get the baby to move so that she could check out the baby's face. I guess it answered Celina's question on how hard she could push on her stomach before it was dangerous. But all in all a very cool experience for a first time dad like me.

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