torsdag 12. februar 2009


In order to get feedback from testers, a new feature was added to the Forecast Exchange today. On the left side you will see a red button saying Feedback. By clicking that you will find a list of suggested new features which you can vote on. All users gets ten votes they can spread over the different suggestions as they please (max 3 per item). The idea is then that the most voted for suggestions will be the next to be developed.

If you have a similar web site you can easily add this feature yourself. UserVoice is the company that does this. Most features are available for free. For an open source project like this you even get unlimited use on the features, in some areas even more than for the professional version. Our link was registered and we had to add a code snippet generated by UserVoice to our main.master file and that was it. Very cool!

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