In this day an age of blogging and Obama I have surprisingly few friends with blogs. Perhaps I'm too old? Here is a short overview of those I know about and their relationship to the Forecast Exchange:
Torbjørn Marø is a software developer who writes a great blog in Norwegian, in which I have contributed a little. It is (in addition he has a Sci-Fi blog at Torbjørn is the lead web developer at the company I work for and is always eager to start new projects. It is therefore not surprising that it was he who started the coding on the Forecast Exchange in the first place. After a while he took a break from it, to start several new projects, but perhaps now, after the beta-release, he will consider contributing again? I surely hope so!
Pavel Kapustin is also a software developer that works in the same company as me. He is Ukrainian, but also speaks Russian, English and Norwegian fluently. He is an idealistic programmer and has joined the work on the Forecast Exchange on the promise to be able to develop something from the ground up using only the best techniques available. His blog is and consists of a mix of Russian poetry and programming discussions on a high level.
Pål Levang is also (yes, I know ...) a software developer. He doesn't work for the same company as me. Instead he has started his own companies (yes, plural!) and is always full of crazy ideas, a fountain of weird, but also sometimes very interesting stuff. This year he is even part of the Norwegian TV show
Skaperen, with a one million NOK first price for the best innovation. He started a blog today, being inspired by this blog. Oh, the ripple effect ... You can check it out at
Ivar Areklett is an old friend helping with the beta-testing. He works for the Norwegian goverment, checking that the Norwegian IRS follows their guidelines. His web page is
Ivar Areklett's hjemmeside. It has not been updated for a while, since his computer crashed and burned last year.